Message メッセージ

松本 拓生の写真






代表 松本 拓生

Firm Message

It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of Yebisu Matsumoto Law Office, established in April 2014 to provide top-quality, expert legal services at reasonable rates for companies and businesses of all sizes.

Based on our experience of more than a decade at a top Japanese law firm, we are well aware that in addition to sophisticated and precise analysis of the legal issues involved, advising companies requires a true understanding of their business and unique corporate culture, achieved through close daily communication.

With such an understanding in mind, we aim to provide straightforward and practical legal advice to our clients, encompassing the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and any other corporate-related laws, from start-up through everyday operations, at every stage, covering all aspects of their business.

We thank everyone who has supported us in our careers up to this point, including launching our new firm, and look forward to being of service to you.

Taku Matsumoto, Founding Partner of Yebisu Matsumoto Law Office
Attorney admitted to practice in Japan and the State of New York


Service サービス





  • 各種法令の解釈に関する検討
  • 定款その他社内規程や各種議事録の作成及び検討
  • 株主総会・取締役会の運営指導(社外取締役や社外監査役への就任を含む)
  • 取引類型ごとの契約書の作成及び検討

Mergers & Acquisitions

  • 組織再編事案におけるスキーム案の検討及び法的助言
  • 組織再編対象会社へのデューデリジェンスの実施と報告書の作成
  • 敵対的買収防衛や委任状争奪戦に関する法的助言
  • 組織再編事案における独立した外部の第三者委員への就任

Venture Business

  • ベンチャー企業の資本政策や株式公開準備に関する法的助言
  • 各種投資案件に関する法的助言と関連契約の作成及び検討

Dispute Resolutions & Litigation

  • 裁判・調停・各種ADR及び仲裁などの各種紛争解決手続の代理
  • 会社関係訴訟・税務訴訟などの特殊訴訟手続の代理
  • 行政処分不服申立手続などの各種紛争解決手続の代理

Risk Management

  • 各種企業不祥事における広報対応の策定と助言
  • 各種企業不祥事における外部調査委員への就任と報告書の作成

Global Practice

  • 海外企業との資本提携・合弁事業に関する法的助言
  • 海外企業との共同開発・販売代理・フランチャイズ契約の作成・検討
  • 海外企業による国内進出への法的助言及び子会社・支店などの設立手続

Legal Translation

  • 企業の内部規程など各種会社関係書類の翻訳
  • 海外企業との共同開発・販売代理・フランチャイズ契約など各種契約の翻訳

Lawyers 弁護士紹介

松本 拓生



1988年 3月 久留米大学附設中学校卒業
1991年 3月 駒場東邦高等学校卒業
1996年 3月 東京大学法学部卒業
1997年 4月 最高裁判所司法研修所入所(51期)
1999年 4月 第二東京弁護士会登録
2005年 5月 Duke University School of Law(LL.M.)
2006年 3月 ニューヨーク州弁護士資格取得
2007年 1月 TMI総合法律事務所パートナー就任
2010年 4月 東京大学法科大学院客員准教授
2014年 4月 恵比寿松本法律事務所 開業

Taku Matsumoto

松本 拓生の写真
Founding Partner
Admitted to practice in Japan and the State of New York

Taku’s practice has been focusing on mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and other corporate transactions, both cross-border and domestic. He also has extensive experience advising on domestic general corporate matters including corporate governance, risk management, and dispute resolution.

He has expertise in the areas of consumer services including hotels, leisure industries, and retailing; and integrated resorts transactions.

Before launching Yebisu Matsumoto Law Office, Taku was a partner at TMI Associates, and also a Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo School of Law, where he taught “Legal Research and Drafting“ and “The Company Act regarding Private Companies” to over 300 law students.

2014, Founding Partner, Yebisu Matsumoto Law Office

2010-2013, Visiting Professor, The University of Tokyo School of Law

2007-2014, Partner, TMI Associates

2006, Admission to practice in the State of New York
2005, Duke University School of Law, LL.M.

1997-1999 Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan

1996, The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law, LL.B.

松本 晶子



1998年 3月 国際基督教大学教養学部国際関係学科卒業
2005年 5月 Duke University School of Law(LL.M.)
2008年 6月 ニューヨーク州弁護士資格取得
2008年 8月 TMI総合法律事務所勤務(外国弁護士)
2014年 4月 恵比寿松本法律事務所 勤務

Akiko Matsumoto

Admitted to practice in the State of New York

Akiko has a reputation for providing precise and sophisticated legal translations for documents of all types including various contracts, press releases, corporate documents, and government filings. Using her experience as a foreign attorney involved in a number of general corporate matters and cross-border transactions, and as an IP paralegal supporting hundreds of overseas clients, Akiko has an in-depth understanding of the international differences in legal systems, legal cultures, and communication styles. With such an understanding, she provides both English-to-Japanese and Japanese-to-English legal translations that can easily be read as if they were naturally written, and not a translated text.

2014, Yebisu Matsumoto Law Office

2008-2014, Foreign Attorney, TMI Associates 

2008, Admission to practice in the State of New York

2005, Duke University School of Law, LL.M.

1998, International Christian University, B.A.


Access アクセス

東京都渋谷区恵比寿4-20-3 恵比寿ガーデンプレイスタワー18階
TEL: 03-5789-5934
FAX: 03-5789-5944




18th Floor Yebisu Garden Place Tower
4-20-3 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-6018 Japan
TEL: +81-3-5789-5934
FAX: +81-3-5789-5944

The firm is located a 5-minute walk from the East Exit of JR Ebisu Station or a 7-minute walk from Tokyo Metro Ebisu Station (Hibiya Line), via the moving walkway “Yebisu Sky Walk.”
On the 18th floor of Yebisu Garden Place Tower, please proceed to Servcorp Reception.

Contact お問い合わせ

    電話番号 ※携帯番号可(必須)  