代表 松本 拓生
Firm Message
It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of Yebisu Matsumoto Law Office, established in April 2014 to provide top-quality, expert legal services at reasonable rates for companies and businesses of all sizes.
Based on our experience of more than a decade at a top Japanese law firm, we are well aware that in addition to sophisticated and precise analysis of the legal issues involved, advising companies requires a true understanding of their business and unique corporate culture, achieved through close daily communication.
With such an understanding in mind, we aim to provide straightforward and practical legal advice to our clients, encompassing the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and any other corporate-related laws, from start-up through everyday operations, at every stage, covering all aspects of their business.
We thank everyone who has supported us in our careers up to this point, including launching our new firm, and look forward to being of service to you.
Taku Matsumoto, Founding Partner of Yebisu Matsumoto Law Office
Attorney admitted to practice in Japan and the State of New York